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Your TrueSelf Personality Test Results

Where the journey of discovering your TrueSelf truly begins.

Personality type is

The Motivated Solution Master

Enneagram Type 3

TrueType 3-5-8

Everything, EVERYTHING was spot on. My mind has been blown. I realized things about myself that were previously hidden in the shadows. I will be sharing this with everyone. This is going to help me better myself!

The Justice Fighter | 8-6-3 SP

Dalton B.

I cried seeing the truth of it all on the screen, it was needed. I am thankful for the 'negatives' as well as the positives because it is going to help me face the truth regarding some core lies that I have believed for far too long about who I really am. I am ready to change what's needed and embrace who I really am - loving myself, faults and all.

The Philosopher | 1-6-4 SX

Tammy E.

So many yes’s to how I feel, how I see life and myself, how I am my best self and how I live in illusion. Thank you!

The Mover Shaker | 3-7-8 SO

Erica M.

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