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Your TrueSelf Personality Test Results

Martin, this is where the journey of discovering your TrueSelf truly begins.


The Guardian Mediator

The Guardian Mediator is industrious, curious, and tolerant. They endeavor to achieve success, engage with the world around them, and maintain equanimity. They strive for balance, and in so doing, prefer to understand what is desired and expected of them, so that they can do their best to succeed. In order to feel connected to the people around them, they need validation in the form of assurance and affirmation.

Primary Enneagram Type : 6

Your Personality type is

Your TrueType

TrueType is TrueSelf’s especially precise personality indicator based on the Enneagram where we map how 3 different distinct personality energies come together to make you uniquely you.

Head Center

Type 6

The Loyal Guardian

Sixes thrive on security and stability, which they try to achieve by being reliable and preparing for potential problems.

Heart Center

Type 3

The Motivated Achiever

Threes put a lot of effort into achieving goals and crafting an image to be admired for what they accomplish.

Body Center

Type 9

The Pleasant Peaceseeker

Nines ease themselves into the flow of life by keeping a low profile, prioritizing harmony and letting others go first.

How well does this describe you?

Become More of Your True Self

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Your full TrueSelf profile will support you with many things, including

Connecting with a soul-mate and having incredible experiences together.

Generating income levels you previously thought were unreachable.

Skyrocketing your levels of confidence, ease, and gratitude.

Finding your life purpose.

Life is so much easier and more enjoyable when you are aligned with how you are designed!

Explore Your Free Personality Profile

Primary Enneagram Type 6


You are a conscientious, loyal, and dependable person who strives for certainty and security in a world that can be unsafe and unpredictable. You are cautious and have a knack for knowing who can be trusted. You seek reliable authorities, trusted friends, credible systems of reference, and valued traditions.

Friendly and playful, you enjoy camaraderie and working for a noble cause. While reluctant to commit to bad situations and afraid of getting in trouble with others, you can often lighten stressful situations with your playful and self-deprecating humor.

You might manage your fears or doubts by focusing on what could go wrong and being cautious, or you might deny your fears and courageously take risks to handle situations. When you feel prepared, you can be very effective in crisis. Your keys to growth include distinguishing the difference between your genuine awareness and your projected fears or doubts, and trusting your own inner authority and guidance in the present moment.

What You are Great At

  • Identify potential hazards and either avoid them or face them head on.
  • Being dedicated, loyal and committed to friends, family and allies.
  • Troubleshooting, strategizing, and problem solving.
  • Anticipating potential problems, taking calculated risks.
  • Being giving and supportive in committed relationships.
  • Taking protective action for a better future.
  • Being analytical, planning thoroughly, prepared for worst case scenarios.
  • Being thoughtful and careful before taking action.
  • Mobilizing and supporting others during crisis.
  • Carrying out the directives of and being devoted to trusted leaders.
  • Working hard for the team without needing recognition or reward.
  • Supporting underdog causes and fighting for the underserved.

What Drives You

Driven by an underlying fear of what is perceived to be a dangerous or hostile world, you are motivated to find or create safe and supportive means and/or relationships to protect against external threats. You want to be clear about your situation, feel supported by others, and have certainty and reassurance about the future.

Core Wiring

You want to be safe, secure, fit in, and belong; but most importantly, you want to have certainty, a trusted friend, or a known system to put your faith in. You are the true devil's advocate and can always see both sides of every issue. You may struggle with feelings of fear, doubt, and/or anxiety, and risk undermining or blaming others to protect yourself.

You may manage your fear by focusing on what could go wrong and by avoiding perceived hazards. Alternatively, you may face your fears and take calculated risks to prove that you are not afraid. Secretly, you still prepare.

You feel that the world is a dangerous place. Most people have hidden agendas, so you must focus on security, loyalty, and trustworthiness. At your best, you are courageous, supportive, engaging, dedicated and loyal.


  • Clear structures and guidelines.
  • Rules and regulations.
  • Rehearsing to feel confident.
  • Preparation and predictability.
  • Security and certainty.
  • Loyalty and commitment.
  • Heroic gestures and noble causes.
  • Supportive relationships and environments.
  • Trustworthy authorities, friends and coworkers.
  • Plan B and preparing for worst case scenarios.
  • Tension and conflict.
  • Openness and honesty.


  • Being blamed for something you did not do.
  • False compliments or hidden agendas.
  • An uncertain future.
  • Anger and uncertainty.
  • Unjust authorities.
  • Show boats and those that are insincere.
  • Dangerous situations out of your control.
  • Unpredictability and feeling caught off guard.
  • Others that do not follow the rules.
  • Inconsistencies, suspicious behaviors.
  • Being mislead.
  • “Us against them” scenarios.


You scan for problems and inconsistencies to prepare for all worst-case scenarios. You doubt and question, seeking reassurance and guidance from trustworthy sources. You are hypervigilant, thinking and analyzing instead of acting.

Impact of Strategies

Having conducted a sweeping analysis of the environment for threats, you feel you have enough confidence, information, support, and trustworthy guidance to feel safe, certain and secure.

What's Great About You

You are warm, friendly, curious, loyal, dutiful, committed, and dedicated. You are a faithful and dependable friend, co-worker, and family member. When necessary, you are brave and courageous.

Attention goes to...

Your attention goes to feelings of fear, doubt and scanning the environment for danger and hidden motives or agendas. You have a tendency to focus on the worst-case scenario.

Your fears and doubts can keep you from taking action and/or trusting yourself and others. You may at times be overly phobic and at other times overly counter-phobic.

Famous People with your Personality Type

David Letterman


Woody Allen

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, Amy Adams, Aubrey Plaza, Candice Bergen, Carly Simon, Carrie Fisher, Ellen Barkin, Ellen DeGeneres, Emma Stone, Janet Leigh, Janet Reno, Jennifer Aniston, Julia Roberts, Judy Davis, Karen Page, Kim Basinger, Kim Wexler, Khloé Kardashian, Kristen Stewart, Kristin Scott-Thomas, Lena Olin, Linda Tripp, Lynda Carter, Marilyn Monroe, Meg Ryan, Mary Tyler Moore, Meg Tilly, Penny Marshall, Princess Diana, Naomi Watts, Rene Russo, Rosie Perez, Sally Field, Sean Young, Teri Garr, Theresa May, Trinity, Whoopi Goldberg, Wynonna Judd, Zendaya.

Adrian Monk, Alan Arkin, Albert Brooks, Ben Stiller, Benjamin Netanyahu, Bob Newhart, Bruce Springsteen, Charles Manson, Chuck Norris, David Letterman, DMX, Dustin Hoffman, Ed Harris, Edward Norton, Eminem, Gene Hackman, George Bush, Hitler J. Edgar Hoover, J. Krishnamurti, Jason Alexander, Jason Bourne, Joe Biden, Jon Stewart, John Oliver, Justin Timberlake, Louis C.K., Mel Gibson, Michael Moore, Mitch McConnell, Pat Robertson, Patrick Swayze, Paul Newman, Peter Parker "Spider-Man", Richard Pryor, Robert Redford, Richard Nixon, Rodney Dangerfield, Severus Snape, Spike Lee, Stephen Colbert, Steve McQueen, Steven Seagal, Stockard Channing, Sydney Pollack, Ted Turner, Tommy Lee Jones, Warren Beatty, Woody Allen.

Your Full TrueSelf Personality Profile goes much deeper.

If any of this has resonated with you, then you’re on the right track!


What if you could have these kinds of accurate insights into every area of your life?


Would you want to discover more about your unique growth path, and how to effortlessly become the best possible version of yourself?


And get laser focussed about the best possible jobs or career paths for you?


What if you could learn how to finally master your own health and wellness, in the unique way that’s best suited to your specific type.


And demystify love and dating, with a clear understanding of who you really are romantically.

Your complete TrueSelf Profile will reveal the full spectrum of your gifts & talents, that are as unique to you as your fingerprint.

The truth is, we all come here for a very special reason.


And we all are born with a unique set of talents, gifts, and skills that are meant to help us on our life’s journey, to fulfill our soul’s mission on earth.


While some of these might already be obvious, many will most likely be hidden from you.


Because during our lives we all experience challenges that cause parts of us to ‘shut down’.

If you’ve ever struggled with doubt or confusion about:

Your purpose in life, or why you’re here and what you should be doing

Creating huge financial abundance and freedom for yourself and your loved ones

Feeling naturally confident and able to make new meaningful connections effortlessly

How to feel amazing in your body with the health and wellness routine that feels best

How to be yourself in relationships, and how to attract (or keep) your true soulmate

Your Complete TrueSelf Profile will give you the keys to unlocking these mysteries, once and for all!

The Operating System for your Personality

Your Complete Profile is the secret handbook of your personality architecture. Discover the hidden reasons why you do the things you do, and empower yourself to consciously take control of your unique programming to live life at your best, from now on.

Ever wonder why you are the way you are?
Your Inner World

Discover the subconscious patterns secretly governing your reality and how they get in the way of what you truly desire

Blind Spots & False Beliefs

Learn about the hidden programs buried deep in your personality that have you living a fraction of your true potential and greatness.

Instinctual Drives

Learn how your personality type can best feel safe, socially recognized and accepted, and attract the love of your life. 

Your Growth Path

Learn how to overcome challenges you have been facing your whole life. Develop the habits, awareness and tools to stay in your zone of genius. 

Health and Diet

Discover how your personality type relates to health and diet and how this awareness can dramatically increase your fitness, vitality and passion for life


Discover what type of jobs and careers and are most suited to your personality…and also which ones are not. 

Get your Complete TrueSelf Personality Profile

Your unique roadmap to effortlessly creating more abundance, happiness, and self-mastery in EVERY area of your life, following the specific design of your TrueSelf.

Normally $29.99


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Your Full Profile Preview

Your Core Beliefs

The world is chaotic, unpredictable and easily-angered. It's best to stay alert, be vigilant, and prepare for all worst-case scenarios. I must seek trustworthy guidance from experts to keep my world safe an...

In the Zone

Grounded in self-trust and inner strength, your need to look externally for protection and safety drops away completely. Coping through anticipatory fear is clearly seen to be its own self-fulfilling prophecy and no longer drives you. The power of self-responsibility and inner authority emerges.

Others become increasingly inspire...

Keys to Growth

  • Develop inner guidance and wisdom rather than looking for security or answers outside of yourself (in systems, rules, surveys, people or authorities).
  • Realize that what you need is already available within you. You actually don’t need safety or protection from without.
  • Notice that when you feel sure of your thoughts and decisions, you have no trouble taking right action...

Many Insightful Chapters

Your Inner World
Core Beliefs, Core Desires, Core Needs, Core Fears


Your Operating System

At Your Best, Under Stress, What Holds You Back, Coping Strategy, Defense Strategy, Hot Buttons & Triggers, Blind Spots, Mistaken Beliefs / Trap

Your Growth Journey

Transformation Journey, Under Stress, An Average Day, In The Zone, Keys to Growth

Learn about Instinctual Subtypes

The Self-Preservation, The Social, The Intimate

And Health & Diet 


Everything, EVERYTHING was spot on. My mind has been blown. I realized things about myself that were previously hidden in the shadows. I will be sharing this with everyone. This is going to help me better myself!

The Justice Fighter | 8-6-3 SP

Dalton B.

I cried seeing the truth of it all on the screen, it was needed. I am thankful for the 'negatives' as well as the positives because it is going to help me face the truth regarding some core lies that I have believed for far too long about who I really am. I am ready to change what's needed and embrace who I really am - loving myself, faults and all.

The Philosopher | 1-6-4 SX

Tammy E.

So many yes’s to how I feel, how I see life and myself, how I am my best self and how I live in illusion. Thank you!

The Mover Shaker | 3-7-8 SO

Erica M.

Everything resonates. I have been studying MBTI for years and now came to realize there's also another perspective of things other than just studying how we behave cognitively, another angle another view, another epiphany. And by the way, the Test was one of the most intuitive tests I ever encountered. Thanks again for offering this.

The Seeker | 6-9-4 SO

Mohamed T.


Frequently asked questions

The Enneagram is a system of personality typing that describes patterns in how people interpret the world and manage their emotions. The Enneagram describes nine personality types and maps each of these types on a nine-pointed diagram which helps to illustrate how the types relate to one another.

According to the Enneagram, each of the nine personality types is defined by a particular core belief about how the world works. This core belief drives your deepest motivations and fears — and fundamentally shapes a person's worldview and the perspective through which they see the world and the people around them.

Our core beliefs are not necessarily incorrect, but they can be limiting and operate as “blinders” for people. Understanding our Enneagram type and how it colors our perceptions can help us to broaden our perspective and approach situations more effectively.

Understanding a person's Enneagram type helps us to see why they behave the way they do. Each Enneagram type has a set of core beliefs that will consistently motivate them to take particular actions and guide them to make certain decisions. Behavior that may seem confusing or contradictory can often be explained when we understand a person's Enneagram type.

The Enneagram also helps us understand how people react to stress. By describing how each Enneatype adapts and responds to both stressful and supportive situations, the Enneagram shows opportunities for personal development and provides a foundation for the understanding of others.

The diagram itself goes back many centuries, possibly as far back as the Greek mathematicians and beyond. The first appearance in print (that we know about) was in 1305, when a Franciscan friar named Ramon Lull in Majorca used it as a way of synthesizing the knowledge of Christianity, Islam, and Judaism.


As a system of psychological types, this development began in the late 1960s although there are parallels in the Christian tradition going back to the "Desert Fathers" in the first two centuries CE. At that time, the obstacles to spiritual practice were described as the eight or nine habits of mind.

The Enneagram of today incorporates both the long-standing mystical wisdom put forth by those early Christian monks and the studies and exploration of the Enneagram pioneers that surfaced in the last hundred years.

The foundation of the TrueType is based on the Enneagram, which has 9 core personality types in 3 Centers of Intelligence: Body, Heart, and Head.


In the TrueType System, you have a personality type in each Center of Intelligence that you use in preferential order, hence your 3 types X, Y, Z. These 3 types come together in a unique way that makes zoom is having an up the core of your personality.


For those familiar with the Enneagram System, we do not use Wings. Our research has essentially shown that wings are a lower resolution version of TrueType. 


We describe more about TrueType in this article and will write more about our research into Wings soon. 

Unfortunately, it is not yet possible to receive your reading as a PDF at this time. This is a feature we hope to add in the near future. You can of course print the web page via your web browser. But rest assured, through the link in the email you received (if you have entered your email address) you can always read the enneagram online.

What is so useful about understanding our Enneagram type is that it gives us a huge amount of information about our personality, character structure, and our patterns of thinking, feeling, and behaving. We have the opportunity to develop our self-awareness and make more conscious choices about what serves us and what doesn't. At the beginning level, there is a shortlist of suggestions: "do this, don't do this" which can improve our daily functioning, our performance at work and our communication with others. At a deeper level, there is a map to profound psychological and spiritual growth.

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