Discover the Secret Blueprint to Creating Amazing Relationships
TrueSelf Relationship Compatibility Profiles will reveal the exact personality dynamics between you and someone else important to you:
A significant other, a family member, work colleague or friend.

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Discover hidden patterns that massively influence the most important relationships in your life.
What You’ll Get
One of the most comprehensive relationship compatibility profiles in the world.
Deep insight into a new or existing relationship, so you can take out the guesswork.
Know how you’re similar, how you’re different and what you need to be aware of.
A deeper understanding of the other, and what is going on ‘under the surface’.
Work together better, and how you can support and ‘complement’ each other.
Know exactly how to best communicate with each other, so you don’t misunderstand.
Easily avoid ‘silly fights’ by knowing exactly where conflict could arise before it happens.
With the TrueSelf Relationship Profile, you’re guaranteed to find amazing insights on how to create an even better relationship with anyone.
Learn how to effortlessly avoid potential conflict and create a relationship of amazing mutual support.
Picture this: Unraveling the mystifying intricacies of your relationships, understanding your loved ones on an unparalleled level, and communicating in a way that brings out the best in both of you.
Sounds ideal, right?
We understand, it's not easy to reach such levels of understanding and connection. But what if we told you, you're only one step away from turning this into reality?
Welcome to the TrueSelf Enneagram Relationship Compatibility Profiles!
This is not just another tool to comprehend yourself better. No, it is much more than that. It's your roadmap to comprehend, connect, and cultivate fulfilling relationships.
Whether you're navigating through the thrilling early stages of a budding romance, seeking deeper bonds with your lifelong partner, or desiring a more harmonious relationship with your family or colleagues, our Enneagram Relationship Compatibility Profiles can be your compass.
For just $9.99, you're not only purchasing a tool, but you're investing in your relationships, your happiness, and a profound understanding of yourself and those around you.
Dive into the depths of your personalities, unearth hidden dynamics, and discover how to unlock the ultimate potential of your relationships.
Are you ready to deepen your connections and enhance your relationships in ways you've never imagined?
Unlock the secrets that lie beneath the surface and experience the magic that unfolds. After all, when you truly know yourself and those you love, everything changes. Your new relationship story starts here.
When I first came across this site...I thought it was just another personality test. But boy, was I wrong! This tool gave me a profound insight into my relationship with my partner. Suddenly, all those trivial arguments, those misunderstood actions, made complete sense. It's like a light got switched on, and we could finally see each other in a way we never had before. We discovered a deeper level of understanding, communication, and love. It's been nothing short of a miracle for us. And all this for just $9.99! It's truly priceless compared to the value it has added to our relationship. Thank you, TrueSelf, for offering such an impactful tool.
The Scholar| 8-5-4 SP
Ingrid B.
I've always been a skeptic of personality tests, but the TrueSelf Enneagram Compatibility Profile completely changed my perspective. I decided to give it a shot with my siblings, and the results were astounding! It's been an incredible journey of understanding the different dynamics at play, learning about our different personality types, and working towards a harmonious relationship. It's like we've been given a handbook to understand each other better. Our bond has strengthened and we've learned to appreciate our differences instead of letting them cause friction. This tool is truly worth every penny!
The Gentle Spirit | 9-7-4 SX
Rebecca S.
YES! I want to take advantage of this ~70% discount on my first TrueSelf Relationship Profile.
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We are regularly adding to and improving the TrueSelf Personality Profiles. Any content we add to the profile in the future you will receive for free.
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We believe you will find so much insight and value in your full TrueSelf profile that we are willing to give you a full refund for 60 days if you're unhappy with what you have received in your profile. No questions asked!
Relationship Profile Preview
Core Pattern
Seven is part of the Head Triad, also called the Thinking Triad. Sevens are mental, bright, quick witted, gregarious, and resilient. They are typically very lively and possess a contagious optimism.

How You Compliment Each Other
To one another, Sevens bring a sense of resilience and buoyancy: they can be the wind in each other's sails, full of encouragement and acknowledgment for one another. And while Sevens typically love socializing, and often have a full social calendar, they also deeply treasure their freedom.

How You Can Support One Another
These two will best support each other by being vocal cheerleaders for each other’s dreams and aspirations while holding each other’s feet to the fire and making sure tasks are accomplished (not just talked about). Almost nothing is as encouraging as the enthusiastic support of a Seven, ...

Many Insightful Chapters
Core Pattern
Shared Values
How You Compliment Each Other
How You Can Get Into Trouble
What Each Type Needs To Be Aware Of
How You Can Support One Another
In a Romantic Context

"Launching a startup with my business partner was exciting, but it also brought its fair share of disagreements and misunderstandings. As a last resort, we decided to try the TrueSelf Enneagram Compatibility Profile. We were blown away by the insights it provided! It not only helped us understand our own personalities and how they mesh together, but also gave us actionable strategies to communicate and collaborate more effectively. Our productivity skyrocketed, and our professional bond became stronger than ever. Investing in this tool was, without a doubt, the best business decision we've made. A must-have for anyone in a partnership!"
The Scholar| 8-4-5 SO
Alice L.
My partner and I were already deeply in love, and we had a great relationship. Still, we knew there was more to explore, more to understand about each other. That's when we came across the TrueSelf Enneagram Compatibility Profile. It was like unlocking a whole new level of our relationship! It provided us with in-depth insights into our personalities and how they intertwine, leading us to deeper levels of intimacy and connection we didn't know existed. The profile didn't just affirm our compatibility, but it also offered a roadmap to navigate our differences gracefully and create a stronger bond. This tool has been an investment in our love, making our great relationship even better. We can't recommend it enough to all couples, no matter how strong your bond is—there's always room for more growth and understanding."
Lauren D., Florida
The Romantic Philosopher | 4-6-1 SX
Lauren D.
Frequently asked questions
The Enneagram is a system of personality typing that describes patterns in how people interpret the world and manage their emotions. The Enneagram describes nine personality types and maps each of these types on a nine-pointed diagram which helps to illustrate how the types relate to one another.
According to the Enneagram, each of the nine personality types is defined by a particular core belief about how the world works. This core belief drives your deepest motivations and fears — and fundamentally shapes a person's worldview and the perspective through which they see the world and the people around them.
Our core beliefs are not necessarily incorrect, but they can be limiting and operate as “blinders” for people. Understanding our Enneagram type and how it colors our perceptions can help us to broaden our perspective and approach situations more effectively.
Understanding a person's Enneagram type helps us to see why they behave the way they do. Each Enneagram type has a set of core beliefs that will consistently motivate them to take particular actions and guide them to make certain decisions. Behavior that may seem confusing or contradictory can often be explained when we understand a person's Enneagram type.
The Enneagram also helps us understand how people react to stress. By describing how each Enneatype adapts and responds to both stressful and supportive situations, the Enneagram shows opportunities for personal development and provides a foundation for the understanding of others.
The diagram itself goes back many centuries, possibly as far back as the Greek mathematicians and beyond. The first appearance in print (that we know about) was in 1305, when a Franciscan friar named Ramon Lull in Majorca used it as a way of synthesizing the knowledge of Christianity, Islam, and Judaism.
As a system of psychological types, this development began in the late 1960s although there are parallels in the Christian tradition going back to the "Desert Fathers" in the first two centuries CE. At that time, the obstacles to spiritual practice were described as the eight or nine habits of mind.
The Enneagram of today incorporates both the long-standing mystical wisdom put forth by those early Christian monks and the studies and exploration of the Enneagram pioneers that surfaced in the last hundred years.
The foundation of the TrueType is based on the Enneagram, which has 9 core personality types in 3 Centers of Intelligence: Body, Heart, and Head.
In the TrueType System, you have a personality type in each Center of Intelligence that you use in preferential order, hence your 3 types X, Y, Z. These 3 types come together in a unique way that makes zoom is having an up the core of your personality.
For those familiar with the Enneagram System, we do not use Wings. Our research has essentially shown that wings are a lower resolution version of TrueType.
We describe more about TrueType in this article and will write more about our research into Wings soon.
Unfortunately, it is not yet possible to receive your reading as a PDF at this time. This is a feature we hope to add in the near future. You can of course print the web page via your web browser. But rest assured, through the link in the email you received (if you have entered your email address) you can always read the enneagram online.
What is so useful about understanding our Enneagram type is that it gives us a huge amount of information about our personality, character structure, and our patterns of thinking, feeling, and behaving. We have the opportunity to develop our self-awareness and make more conscious choices about what serves us and what doesn't. At the beginning level, there is a shortlist of suggestions: "do this, don't do this" which can improve our daily functioning, our performance at work and our communication with others. At a deeper level, there is a map to profound psychological and spiritual growth.
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